Top History in the Copper Country
There are plenty of sights in the Copper Country that will peak your interest like the Bishop Baraga Shrine, the Victorian Dam, and the local museums. Explore today all the hidden treasures of the keweenaw. Completely disinters mediate orthogonally market whereas client infrastructures.
Copper Country History
The Copper Country is rich in history where the largest freshwaters on earth create a peninsula called the Keweenaw. The Upper Peninsula at one time had the world's largest deposits of the purest copper and in 1843, a copper rush brought in workers from dozens of nations. By 1913, 60,000 people lived in Calumet, extracting millions of pounds of copper for Calumet & Hecla Mining Co. A failed strike from mining workers and declining demands ended the copper mining era for good in 1968. Now many people are attracted to the UP for the peace and natural beauty of Lake Superior and all it has to offer.
From lighthouses to abandon copper mines, state parks for camping for the outdoor enthusiasts all one needs to do is follow a trail and get lost in the Keweenaw.